
Teamwork from BurkinaFaso

Background :
In Jesus grace name this SARA family was building up in the end of December of year 2017 at Ouagadougou, capital of BurkinaFaso, and it had been successfully people’s gathering by year 2018 at Kalapara. When terrorist attacks of year 2019, all team was moving to Sigismond /Ouaga2000 on April. This year we meet issues of security crisis of national and Global epidemic disease COVID19 in western Africa context.

As Bible Matthew 9:35 was written: Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. And according to both ICMDAEA this year conference main subject is : Medicine with love and as well as our SARA family golden slogan: to share,to serve, and to shine through platform of ICMDA.
We are happy to share our teamwork experience and learning in passing recently years to dealing with this article “ Medicine with love “in context of Burkina Faso.

Supervisor: Angel Wang (Angélique) trained as medical specialist worker,teacher,and missionary in UK, and Taiwan. Before she serving as a founder of exclusive chief of SARA family team , she served outside countries with CCT& PCT in Thailand for 14 years and then PCH&PCT in BurkinaFaso for 3 years and she is now a director of SARA foundation.

This Teamwork had been leading by Angélique (Taiwan’s friend Angel Wang, they call her grandma or mama), they used to be following up ICMDA many training of projects( on Line ): such as they had done reading for translation English to French of ICMDA DLS4 project (2018-2019), then between 2019 and 2020 they had done totally 6 books of leadership training books of ICMDA projects published under authority of ICMDA (on line),and very recently this team just has done translation English to French “the Human Journey “, it is a great work and famous book written by Dr Peter Saunders, ICMDA of General secretary , which is editing by CMF UK(2015)

Here are our young presenters : They are trained as a future of Christian medical leaders through reading -translating documents of ICMDA and most of they are senior medical students of National University of Ouagadougou.

Name of list of presenters :

DRABO Lamou Emmanuel (graduate Medical students, 2020)he dreamed to be a neurosurgery.

KALGA Dominique (graduate Medical students, 2020)he dreamed to be a physician.

LENGLENGUE Elisée ( Sixth grade medical students) he dreamed to be a Emergency doctor.

SANOU Ousséni Arsène (students leader)

Five-year Medical student) he dreamed to be a pediatric doctor.

OUEDRAOGO Romaric Honoré (four-grade pharmacy student)

TIONO Thimothé (four-grade pharmacy student)
Culture night video making key person:
OUEDRAOGO WENYAM Ezéchiel ( four grade medical students)
Our three Presenters , Arséne, Dominique, and Ezéchel, had been to show their successful
presentation at the 6th Conference of ICMDA EA 2019 , last August at Seoul of southern Korea.

Six books :

1-) surviving the foundation of the year ,Peter Saunders,(CMF UK,2012)
2) The divine drama, Peter Saunders ,(CMF UK,2017)
3) Serving in Babylon , Peter Saunders,(CMF UK,2017)
4) changing culture, changing values , Peter Saunders (CMF UK,2017)
5) the Christian call to Social Justice , Peter Saunders, (CMF UK,2017)
6) The Doctor’s life of faith , Janet Goodall,(CMF UK, 2014)
Six books of ICMDA can see in on line websites:
Doctor’s life support 4 (ICMDA ,2018)