
Saline Solution Training

International Saline Training

TCMA will invite experienced Saline Training faculties from Netherlands, China and Taiwan to host it on Aug. 9, 2012 right before the main conference.

his structured and interactive program, with detail syllabus and case studies both in English and Chinese, takes the fear and ignorance out of our God-given task of developing relationships with our patients. It teaches how to offer non--offensive comments and actions that draw the patient to Christ. INTERNATIONAL SALINE is a proven training process that enables healthcare professionals to bring a compassionate, non-confrontational Christian witness to their workplace.

(http://www.internationalsaline.org/). This program is highly recommended by many international medical missionary bodies like IHS, HCFI and ICMDA.


Saline Solution,是一套工具,透過完整聖經及醫療協談論述,個案互動式演練,經完整培訓之師資及當地助教,幫助醫務工作者透過這套工具,使醫療工作者能用最適合自己的方法,根據每個病人的具體情況來分享耶穌的愛,是一套已在各國基督徒醫療人員當中,廣傳的實用方法。

這種結構和互動課程,無論是在英語和華語的教學大綱和詳細案例研究,排除恐懼和無知,上帝給我們的任務是去發展與患者之間的關係。它教你如何提供非壓迫,吸引病人,融入福音的交談和行動。 國際生理鹽水是一個歷經考驗的培訓過程,使醫護人員在他們的工作場所帶來一個富有同情心的,非對抗性的基督徒見證 。TCMA自2011年認識此課程(http://www.internationalsaline.org/~~V),已資助四位赴國外受訓,成為種子師資,參與者皆表示收穫甚大且實際可行,已有不少職場福因見證。這個方案是由許多像IHS,HCFI和ICMDA的國際醫療傳道機構強烈推薦。

TCMA與路加傳道會將於8月9 (8 小時學員課程)、10日(8 小時種子教師課程)在埔基,8月11日在台北舉辦此培訓課程(8 小時學員課程),特別從荷蘭邀請經驗豐富的鹽水培訓學院講員與台灣及其他國家之助教,前來授課。
